Never give chronic stress any chance at your life

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Never give chronic stress any chance at your life
Gore Ruvimbo

As I lay on my bed around 11:45pm, I felt my left side stiffen. I called my brother to tell him I was not well, but being from an African homestead, he dismissed it as fatigue and encouraged me to sleep.

The following day, unable to bear the chest pains, I called a friend to take me to the hospital since we were in lockdown.

Seeing myself in a hospital bed and the doctor explaining how my delay in seeking medical attention could have worsened things was a stark wake-up call.

Chronic stress leading to acid reflux and strange chest pains—all stress-induced, I pondered, but at just 20 years old.

Once brushed off as a mere inconvenience of modern life, chronic stress has morphed into a restless undertow pulling many towards mortality's edge.

Like shoes, it's not one size fits all. Stress manifests in various forms and impacts individuals uniquely.

Leona Buhenzire, a mental health specialist, asserts that chronic stress can be fatal. Yet, I'd like to believe we can evade that fate.

It's crucial to recognise that individuals vary in their ability to manage stress; one shouldn't feel weak simply because their stress tolerance differs.

Managing chronic stress is the same as managing other chronic health issues like high blood pressure.

There are tools and skills we can employ to promote better health and longevity. Adequate, uninterrupted sleep is paramount.

Adults are recommended to sleep for 7 to 9 hours daily to allow the brain to rejuvenate, thus mitigating anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders, as documented in Psychological Medicine and Sleep Medicine journals.

The American Journal of Epidemiology suggests that sufficient sleep can reduce mortality risk, with long-term sleep deprivation being linked to a higher mortality rate.

In today's fast-paced world, with hours spent on social media, at work, and what we label as leisure, finding time to rest can indeed be challenging.

However, it's possible to prioritize rest without sacrificing work, enjoyment, or social media. Establishing a strict schedule and adhering to it can save us from the perils of mental health turmoil.

Allocating two hours away from gadgets and television, especially before bedtime, allows the brain to transition into sleep mode effectively.

Incorporating a consistent workout routine and prioritizing self-care are also vital components.

By taking deliberate steps to carve out moments for rest amidst our busy lives, we can safeguard our mental well-being and ensure a more balanced lifestyle.

In conclusion, amidst the relentless pace of modern life, the importance of prioritising rest and mental well-being cannot be overstated.

By acknowledging the toll chronic stress can take on our health and adopting proactive measures to manage it, we allow ourselves to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Let us remember a dead person cannot lead a successful happy hence our greatest asset is our well-being.

So, let's take the time to rest, recharge, and safeguard our mental and physical health—it's an investment that pays dividends for a lifetime.

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